Homemade Coffee Scrub Recipe

If you love to exfoliate, but hate paying big box store prices for a sugar scrub that’s full of chemicals, this post is for you! While I do offer my coffee scrub in 16 oz jars in the shop, I also wanted you to be able to make your own, if you’re in the same position as I am and unable to purchase it for yourself.

It’s a super simple recipe, so try it out and let me know what you think! Mix up all the ingredients together and see where it takes you!

It may end up being a bit watery, depending on how dry your coffee grounds are. If that’s the case just add more coffee grounds in a bit at a time and mix until it’s less soupy. Keep in mind, as the sugar and salt dissolve, it will get a little more wet, so add in less than you think you need. Or mix it up and come back in an hour to see if the consistency is ok.

Coffee Sugar Scrub

  • 100 grams used coffee grounds

  • 20 grams cane sugar

  • 10 grams salt

  • 2 tsp avocado oil

  • 2 tsp coconut oil


Jireh, He is enough.


Christ is LOVE